A. For Equity Issues
Name of the issue: Lex Nimble Solutions Limited
1. Type of issue (IPO/ FPO) IPO
2. Issue size (Rs crore) Rs. 6.33 crs
3. Grade of issue along with name of the rating agency Not applicable
4. Subscription level (number of times). If the issue was undersubscribed, please clarify how the funds were arranged. 1.03 times
5. QIB holding (as a % of total outstanding capital) as disclosed to stock exchanges (See Clause 35 of the listing agreement)
(i) allotment in the issue Not applicable
(ii) at the end of the 1st Quarter immediately after the listing of the issue
(iii) at the end of 1st FY
(iv) at the end of 2nd FY
(v) at the end of 3rd FY
6Financials of the issuer (as per the annual financial results submitted to stock exchanges under Clause 41 of the listing agreement)
Note: The Company was listed on the BSE SME platform on 4th April, 2018 and has completed 2 financial year as at 31st March, 2020
7. Trading status in the scrip of the issuer (whether frequently traded (as defined under Regulation 2 (j) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 2011) or infrequently traded/ delisted/ suspended by any stock exchange, etc.)
(i) at the end of 1st FY Infrequently traded as defined under Regln 2(j) of SEBI (SAST) Reglns, 2011
(ii) at the end of 2nd FY Infrequently traded as defined under Regln 2(j) of SEBI (SAST) Reglns, 2011
(iii) at the end of 3rd FY Not applicable as only 1 Financial Year completed post listing on 4th April, 2018
8Change, if any, in directors of issuer from the disclosures in the offer document (See Clause 30 of the listing agreement)
(i) at the end of 1st FY As per the annual report of the Company for FY 19 filed with BSE, Mr. Nalinkumar Patel resigned during the year. Mr. Venkata Muralidhar Koduri joined the Board as an Independent, Non-Executive Director w.e.f. 13th October, 2018
(ii) at the end of 2nd FY There is no change in the Board of Directors of the Company as per the Annual Report for FY20
(iii) at the end of 3rd FY Not applicable as yet
9. Status of implementation of project/ commencement of commercial production (as submitted to stock exchanges under Clause 41 (IV) (e) of the listing agreement)
(i) as disclosed in the offer document Given under point no.10 below
(ii) Actual implementation
(iii) Reasons for delay in implementation, if any
10. Status of utilization of issue proceeds (as submitted to stock exchanges under Clauses 41, 43 and 43A of the listing agreement)
(i) as disclosed in the offer document
(ii) Actual utilization Disclosed in Sheet - Utilisation of issue proceeds
(iii) Reasons for deviation, if any
11. Comments of monitoring agency, if applicable (See Regulation 16 of SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2009 read with Clause 43A of the listing agreement)
(a) Comments on use of funds Not applicable
(b) Comments on deviation, if any, in the use of proceeds of the issue from the objects stated in the offer document
(c) Any other reservations expressed by the monitoring agency about the end use of funds
(To be submitted till the time the issue proceeds have been fully utilised)
12. Price- related data
Issue price (Rs):
13. Basis for Issue Price and Comparison with Peer Group & Industry Average (Source of accounting ratios of peer group and industry average may be indicated; source of the accounting ratios may generally be the same, however in case of different sources, reasons for the same may be indicated)
14. Any other material information
(i) Merchant Banker can give its comments on any of the above sections
(ii) Merchant Banker may obtain information/ clarification from the issuer or stock exchange, wherever felt necessary
(iii) In case any of the above reporting dates happens to be a holiday, the immediately following working day may be taken
Utilisation of Issue proceeds for the half year ended 30th September, 2020 as disclosed under Regln 32(1) of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
There has been no variation or deviation.
The company has not utilized any additional funds during the period ended 30 Sept, 2020.
Unutilized amount of the issue have been temporarily deployed in fixed deposits/current deposits with Scheduled Banks.